Pleasures Authentic Amish Products Made in America! |
Tel: 484-722-8259 | |
Hi, I'm Richard, founder of Amish Pleasures. Years ago, after moving from Illinois to Pennsylvania - close to the Amish of Lancaster County - I realized the Amish Community is a very industrious group. Back then, the Internet was only beginning to become a venue for selling and I wanted to be a part of the wave. I thought Amish-made products would be something unique to present to the "English" who were eager to buy on the Internet. So in 1997, with a backgound in direct marketing and my $3,200 4-Gig HP laptop in hand, I began almost daily treks to "Amishland" where I explained to my potential Amish suppliers exactly what it is I wanted to do. Following the mantra: "If the Amish Make It You Will Find it at Amish Pleasures" I created the online store, offering a wide breadth of authentic Amish-made products that truly represent the best of the Amish craftspeople. I hope you enjoy your shopping experience at Amish Pleasures. Best, Rich |